~ The Stories of Tarajories ~

~ And this... ~

The Nubbin

This on RCA camcorder video, the year ends the 2nd half of the 80's, if memory serves... As each begins... It was a Sacred Day and I was Dansing...

There is a beautiful piece of prose available on disk somewhere... floppy 5.25, if you remember those, and an 8088 PC. It depicts the encapsulation of sharing dinner and evenings with my Protector for the week... a yearling buck I call... The Nubbin. Picture this... [remember to b r e a t h e, hitting the 'Yawn Spot' at the solar plexus as deeply as possible with the ellipses.]

I stayed alone while my husband was away on a snowmobile trip for the winter week's festivities. Several hundred feet of video frame The Nubbin nipping juniper under the picture window while I, soup the evening's faire in my chair on the other side. This paragraph won't do the original prose justice en picture of him later having curled up on the doorstep, body pressed snugly against the thermopane sliding glass door, warmth radiating through... nestling... ...nuzzling... from time to time... he on his side of the glass and I on mine.

In the prose, there was a distinct line about "bulbous eyes peering in the west studio window against the black of night," but I wouldn't dare.

I clearly recall a mysterious, translucently luminous bubble... its glossy exterior sparkling occasionally where the angle of Light hit just right... slowly floating down in our direction over a V-shaped star-configured background as we nuzzled only the glass separating our touch.

We fell asleep together before The Light descended to touchdown. I wondered, both still pressed up against the glass as we woke to First Light, what may have occurred... but I could not recall the certain touch down this luminous bubble must surely have made.

He stayed the week, curled up on the crest of the hill during the day between sentry duties around the grounds... returning to his side of the glass each night... awaiting my return.

~ Be sure to pause with each ellipsis [... punctuation/pause] above, for the picture in your mind's eye. Slow down. Click the stereoillusion above for a sneak peak... or the Sparkling Star below to return to the "Stories" Table of Contents. The Torch icon in the stationery logo at top links to the FSBO Photo Tours page, and the Lightning icon under it links to the FSBO Text Explanations page. Or, practice with the stereollusion while the music plays. When your Practice has outgrown these Stories, make up your own and post them at your favorite social media to share with others. ~

Now Playing: Let YourSelf Love, encapsulating the experience, (c) Gregor Rice, aka Suz, aka Joules LaHae @ Broadjam ala wordz & muzic, all tracks, mix and master. In the Silence, you'll find another climactic scene, soupy sultry in its pointz of pure mystical affinity, animal, vegetable and mineral... flora, fauna en displae, wrenching the loins in pardon at the Galactic Sacredness of the scene. It's Out of this World! And so it was.

Did you stay until the very last cabasa shake at the end? Did you press the 'replay' button? Say so, or no, at social media and BroadJam, linked above where you can also find fast access to a few in the B&B TuneScene line-up, Foster The Light with Free multi~media, etc.

This is an unpublished work in my personal, private online workspace of experiential/activational exercises here at the Tarajories website, yet to be submitted elsewhere.

Contact Suz for the B&B script & demo line-up, Stories herein, Foster The Light, now Top Ten @ BroadJam! AGAIN! Thanks to All! StarKamp! et al, y'all.

<bgsound loop=infinite src="LetYourselfLove.mp3">