S a n c t u a r y

Gated Entrance and Approximately 600' Lane Eventually Reveal this Refuge of Solace and Saving Grace

Find a sunny, gated entrance at the headwaters of Clear Lake's Gold Coast, the Riviera of the midwest, with natural split rail fence guarding thick forest cover. A typical atmospheric phenomena here finds the strongest Clear Lake winds dissolving into dimensions unknown at The Gate more often than not. Walks to the mailbox across the street find us 10 to 15 degrees cooler in summer than just out at the street. June photos down the 600' lane find satiating incoming views of lush, serene greenery drawing out to the ever-iridescent radiance of lake and lagoon beyond a literal artesian well just off the north quarters at the living garden year-round dining area, or, buyer's-choice final function and appointments in room dressing. Unpack, park at the Gentlemen's Quarters finding your view back to the main manor in shady tranquility, and r-e-l-a-x! Complements of the following slide show find the panoramic backdrop-in-process you will own, each a million-dollar view in and of itself, so, low on the starting bid in comparison. Usage options abound from private, corporate or fractional ownership, a time-share type availability, private or public spa, nature preserve, private healing space, private Clear Lake Association property owners' arboretum and retreat, corporate respite, spiritual retreat, small group StarKamp for StarKidz, music conservatory, integrative clinic for light and sound therapy, LivingLight HQ, home-based business, recording studio and artist's/writer's retreat, corporate or private sanctuary, vacation home, income or special occasion rental, and, our first choice... full-time private residence... priceless.

Casual, private bidding starts @ $2,599,000... for those who know.

Contact: Evan @ 1-260-495-3211

All photos (c) Suzy Rice